Sunday, December 13, 2009

Tidings of Comfort and Joy

I am not in the mood for Christmas this year. It's not that I'm depressed or stressed or broke or anything; I just ... meh. I don't have a tree up or a wreath on the door or candles in the windows. None of you are getting Christmas presents from me this year. No one, and I mean no one, even those who do not read this blog, is getting a handmade Christmas present from me this year.

I will admit that when I was driving home from work a week ago and I saw the 70-foot-high spruce next to the antique shop in Oakdale newly and incredibly beautifully lit up with mostly blue lights - well, then I had a moment of seasonal joy.

And I loved these cards so much that when I couldn't forget them several days later - well, maybe a few people will be getting these this year. And these, too, while I was at it. They'll get to their recipients late, I'm sure, because I'm not really in the mood for Christmas this year, you know, so I might have ordered them a little late.

But otherwise - nope, not doing Christmas this year. I am going to go visit my folks over Christmas because, well, they're 81 and 79, and you never know. But I still haven't figured out what they're getting for Christmas from me, much less what my two brothers, my sister-in-law, and my niece ought to get, all of whom I'm likely to see at my folks' house. Well - maybe good beer for one brother and my dad. Maybe good cookies for Mom (but no chocolate; she's seriously allergic). My niece? Er, what does one get a freshman in college? A freshman majoring in some sort of engineering I don't even understand? And my artistic and sophisticated sister-in-law? Impossible to shop for.

I can't even get gauge for a small and secret (and not-Christmas) project today. On size 8 needles, the mysterious object is half an inch too wide. On size 7 needles, the mysterious object is still half an inch too wide. Annoying. You and I both know that on size 6 needles, the mysterious object will be half an inch too narrow, because this is knitting, after all, nothing nearly as precise and predictable as rocket science, God forbid.

Today I also wound lots of endless balls of lovely yarns for weaving, mostly hand-dyed skeins that would be difficult to wind a warp from. Here's a sample:


I thought about what sort of weave structure would do justice to these fine yarns - did a lot of figuring out numbers of warp ends and looking up half-remembered drafts and calculating total warp yardage and such, and didn't really get anywhere. Yet.

I'll keep working on it.


Laurie said...

There there. It will all be over in about two weeks. It is far better to know what you won't do than agonize over what you think you can't do.

I love your blues. I mean the yarn.

Kaye said...

I'm sensing a blue theme here. Nice.

margene said...

We do very little here, too. In the past of bought cards and never sent them, pulled out few ornaments and never hanged them, think I'll bake and I don't. Now I enjoy my lack of "talent" and enjoy what everyone else produces. Joy is all that matters in the end.

Diane H K said...

For the niece in college: a gift certificate to the iTunes store. Perfect.

kim said...

If it makes you feel any better, I'm not doing Christmas either. I just can't muster the spirit. My inner b#(!h is running rampant, which is a sure sign of stress & fear. I know what's causing both, but I've got a bare minimum of control over any of it (it's 1:30 AM and I'm still at the office - don't yell at me, it's necessary & I only took 2 minutes to read while waiting for the last report to print), so no Christmas. There will be a couple things for the kids, mostly stuff they already need & if they're really lucky I'll take off the price tags and wrap them.

If you've got time on your way through, I'd love to see you. Call if you think it's possible - you've got the number, right?

Batty said...

What is it about this year? I've been having real trouble getting into a Christmassy mood too. Now, it's starting a little bit, but it's... harder than usual. For no concrete reason. Weird.