Round and Round
New wheel! Woot!Happy me, happy me....In other news (what? you expected me to blather on and on about my wheel? why ever would I do such a thing?), Blogger is letting me post two more photos today, so here we go:
A dobsonfly. Sorry about the lousy photo; I found this at dusk, and neither the natural light nor my flash really did the job quite rightly. Be very glad these get no bigger than about 5 inches long (at least here in New England). Having searched my considerable natural history library, plus Googling, I can offer you these tidbits of knowledge. This is probably a female, because male dobsonflies have mandibles about three times the length of the head. However, the male mandibles are for grasping the female; it's the female who can give humans a nasty bite. The aquatic larvae (called hellgrammites; nifty stream-dwelling critters) of dobsonflies are predaceous; adults don't eat, which is OK by me.
The purple coneflowers, where a butterfly was a moment before this was taken. I think I like the photo even better without the bug.
Congratulations! I guess that means not a lot of sleep tonight, eh?
Congratulations on the wheel! It's a beauty.
Beautiful wheel, and beautiful pics of the flowers - the bug? Ewww!
How's it coming with the wheel? Are you making friends? I just got a bobbin led wheel from the Netherlands - Just getting close to be comfy on it.
Happy Spinning and have fun!
Yay! for Spinning Wheels! Have fun! Remember to sleep and eat. Eventually you will knit again, too!
I love reading your blog - never boring! Ben likes it too - he really likes bugs and we learn so much...
Glad to see you spinning on your new wheel too! Fun, isn't it???
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