A Little Webs Browsing
The enormity of my stash is beginning to hit me. Nonetheless, I valiantly struggled to Northampton yesterday to see my friend Sue, whom I haven't seen in a while. We laughed, we talked, we knit, we ate, we shopped.But before I even got to Sue's, I stopped at the giant Sal's Boutique along the way. I have in mind a felted rug of Lopi yarn, and I thought I could find a few Icelandic sweaters to frog. None there. But I did find this, half wool, half acrylic, in graduated colors:
And this, ramie/cotton/nylon, in a color that is much nicer in person:
Note the fern lace on the front and sleeves of this sweater:
Add them to the frog pond.On to Sue's! Sue is one of those people who just immediately grasps new concepts and runs with them further than I could ever imagine. She's making her first quilt - here are pics of blocks-in-progress:
Some of those fabrics are from my stash, but I never would have thought of putting them together like that. I kept hinting that my birthday is at the end of June, but Sue doubts she'll be done by then. Maybe Christmas?On to Valley Fabrics, where Sue bought another cotton for the quilt and I noted the presence of great buttons, beads, zippers, and a heap o' fabric, should I ever get bitten by the quilting bug again.Then to Webs! The good news: I didn't need a shopping cart to carry my purchases (yes, they really have them in the warehouse). The even better news:
Twenty-three skeins of Cascade 220, the felting kind. Yup, it's time to learn to felt.
Ten skeins of Dale Sisik, in navy tweed. I can't resist tweeds, particularly when they are this good and this cheap!
A beginner's spinning kit - a Louet top-whorl drop spindle, the instruction book Spin It!, and half a pound of gray domestic wool roving. This is exactly the kind of wool Earle, the former Cheviot owner, loves; I see a hat in his future. The far distant future.Finally, after searching unsuccessfully for the Harlot's newest book in at least two bookstores and three yarn shops in the past couple of weeks - success! I can round out my collection:
And when I finally got home again, late that night, long after Earle had gone to bed, there was a box waiting for me - two skeins of sock yarn from Crown Mountain Farm, dyed by Dicentra Design:
I feel replete. Or is that overwhelmed?
1 comment :
Well, that isn't quite enough yarn for a shopping cart!
The colors of Cascade are beautiful, I can't wait to see what you create out of it. And the tweed, I love how tweed looks!
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